Passion for colour
My training was in textile design and I obtained a B.A. at the University of Loughborough and subsequently an M.A. at Manchester University.
I have a passion for colour and colour combinations and the natural world provides an infinite source of material.
Inspiration from the natural world
Gardens and their plants, flowers and trees continuously vary their colours and textures with the changing daylight and seasons.
Most images are taken from the natural world of flowers, plants and gardens; in fact, all kinds of flora and fauna are my interest and inspiration.
Vibrant and colourful
My work is a vibrant and colourful representation of those natural images and my hope is that it inspires the same warmth, cheerfulness and spontaneity in those who see it!
I basically love colour and nature is the finest source of that.
From Walls to Windows
Katherine reflects on the influence of 'the window' on her work.